Join the NRVBA

Join the NRVBA

Joining the NRVBA gives you full access to our member benefits and helps us support bicycling of all kinds.  The member discount (see below) at local bike shops can more than pay for a membership all by itself!

A standard membership gives you access to all club benefits; joining at a silver or gold level provides additional support for the NRVBA's many programs such as

  • bicycling advocacy and education

  • group rides

  • trail maintenance

  • youth cycling programs

If you join at the silver or gold level, you also get a choice of membership gifts. (The gifts will be voted on in the January 2025 meeting, so are to-be-determined right now.)

Family memberships:

Family Gold Membership

A year’s membership for your entire family plus a thank-you gift (TBD for 2025) from the club.

Family Silver Membership

A year’s membership for your entire family plus a small thank-you gift (TBD for 2025).

Family Bronze Membership

A year’s membership for your entire family.

Individual memberships:

Individual Gold Membership

A year’s membership for you plus a thank-you gift (TBD for 2025) from the club.

Individual Silver Membership

A year’s membership for you, plus a small thank-you gift (TBD for 2025).

Individual Bronze Membership

A year’s membership for you.

Or join in person:

The NRVBA's winter party in January is a great time to sign up, meet your fellow club members, have some free food and drink, and maybe win some door prizes!

Gift a membership:

Sign up as normal, but put the recipient’s information in for the membership info. Send them your email receipt to use as proof-of-purchase until their letter arrives!

Unable to purchase online?

If you’re unable to purchase a membership online, contact us and we’ll help you.

All memberships begin January 1st of each year and expire on December 31st.  Applications will be accepted throughout the year, however full membership dues must be paid regardless of start date.  Dues cannot be prorated.

We define family as individuals who describe and present themselves as a family for services, regardless of actual or perceived martial status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. A family may be a group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements, and share expenses and income.


Member Benefits

We maintain a ride calendar and post weekly schedules to the club's email list, but we provide more than just rides: we support bicycle-smart lawmaking and projects; are involved in trail-building; support educational biking programs; have organized grand tour watching parties, film screenings and talks on cycling, nutrition, and travel.

The club organizes the annual Burke's Garden Century, gravel rides, alley cat rides, socials, and various rides during the week for road, gravel, and mountain riders.

Member Discounts

Our local bike shops are big supporters of the club, so support them when you're purchasing bikes and accessories. Mention that you're an NRVBA member to receive special discounts before you make your purchase.  (Bring a print-out of your membership confirmation email/letter to save some time hunting through membership lists.)

Bike Barn

Members receive a 10% discount for parts and accessories and a 20% discount on clothing.  Labor, sale items and bicycles are not included.

Trek Bicycle Blacksburg

Members receive a 10% discount for parts and accessories and a 20% discount on clothing.  Labor, car racks, trainers, and bicycles are not included.

Hokie Spokes (Blacksburg) & New Wheel (Radford)

Members receive a 10% discount on any regularly-priced item and 22% off clothing.

Summer Cycling Trips

The annual Vermont or Pennsylvania Bicycling Vacation is a fun and affordable way to enjoy the beautiful northeast summer for one or two weeks of cycling and fellowship. This socially-oriented trip is ideal for all skill levels and non-cyclists looking to recharge, relax and enjoy the many area attractions and activities.

The cycling trip includes lodging, meals, riding options, and other entertainment options. Each year the locations are rotated throughout the state, so returning participants can challenge themselves with new routes and terrain.

Travel Cases & Equipment

Going on a trip? Need to take your bike? Borrow the club's bike travel cases for free.

Ride Leader Benefits

If you want to take other people along on your ride, there are ride leader benefits including gift certificates and free jerseys.

Ride of Silence

The Ride of Silence, which is held in May during National Bike Month, aims to raise the awareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The ride is also a chance to show respect for those who have been killed or injured.

Since 2008, NRVBA has partnered with Pathways for Radford to host a local Ride of Silence in conjunction with the national event.